Saturday, 25 October 2014

Monster Munchkins and Their Terror - The Aftermath

Hi Everyone,

So I haven't been painting or posting for a while now. I suppose I should provide a quick explanation as to why.

As you all know I collect Trolls, that's it... I have no interest in the other factions (I plan on selling my Khador and LoE)

A few months ago I had 2 little terrors visit me and while I had packed away most of my beloved trolls, a few were still hanging around. I supervised these terrors watching them admire my models, as they were lifting them gently. Satisfied they were okay around them I went to the kitchen to get them a snack and BANG CRASH BOOM!

My Mauler is completely broken the paintwork ruined and flaked, parts are missing across a few of the models including the Mauler. I handled this pretty well I thought - just grabbing as much as I could and put things away... and that is where it has stayed.

I haven't really taken anything out to examine the full extent of the damage. I have lost interest, knowing the hours ahead of me on repairing already done models and finding/replacing missing parts has made me avoid playing/painting.

I do intend to help Mithras in the near future on painting up a couple of battle boxes. Hopefully this will reboot my interest in the game.

[Photos to Follow]

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Long absences, new worlds and new blog

Sorry about the long absence from posting.  Last year I made the decision to get a job and move to Japan.  While it took quite a while to sort out of the legal aspects of the visa I am finally in Japan.  The said part is I have not been able to paint for quite a while.  Sadder still I couldn't bring my miniatures and painting to Japan, not only is 30kg not really adequate to pack your whole life into, but I have no room in my tiny 23.89m2 flat here, specially when the bathroom and laundry take up around 40% of that space.  Even if I had the space though between, work, classes and travelling back and forth to home I barely have time to study and do chores and maybe watch this weeks Gotham, let alone paint.

Since I can't really do much paint blogging from here, I will be blogging about one of my other favourite hobbies, tabletop RPG's.  Check out the RawrGaming blog here.

Cheers, looking forward to eventually being able to paint and blog about it again. In the mean time I am sure Tyrant Mithras and Zeiju will have plenty of painting bloggery to keep you entertained.  To be honest they are better painters than I am anyway, it makes up for me being smarter, better looking and perhaps slightly more egotistical (I prefer to think of it as more self confident).



Sunday, 19 October 2014

The Road to TempleCon (Part III)

He's done it, the Legion is complete!
A couple of close-ups...

With all that sorted, I just need to figure out the best way of getting them across the world.

To help me along with my own painting I've commissioned Jolly Roger Studio to paint some Cryx but more on that coming soon! These guys are great and I can't wait to show off the work they've done.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Back to some Cryx!

It's been a while but after a break for a couple of months, I'm back on the blog like the train station's shoutiest hobo.

The TempleCon preparations been on hiatus while I deal with the Cryx-shakes (not painting Cryx for a while makes me feel ...funny :P). But this is also helping with TempleCon as I plan on taking Goreshade 3 and the models I've painted in the meantime fit into the list I'm taking so here's some pics :)
Darragh Wrathe

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Road to TempleCon 2015 (part II)

Hello again!

I've been a little tardy with this follow up to my initial TempleCon, Road to post but here we are at last.

Painting in still on schedule I believe but not as much got done as I was distracted with actually playing some games of Warmachine and RPG's. Met a great Khador and Circle Orboros player who came to town and paid a visit to our local gaming club. We threw down 35pts; Forward Kommander Sorscha against Pirate Queen Skarre.

Sorscha laid the smack-down on anything in her control area as she Feated, just about one-shotting the Deathjack and killing it in short order. Fortunately for Skarre, she scored a lucrative Ritual Sacrifice, starting the turn on 12 Focus and the remaining Satyxis Raiders holding their ground after constant Command checks. Getting a Backlash onto Beast 09 with the Skarlock, the Satyxis put some damage on which in turn went to Sorscha and Skarre was able to seal the deal with a couple of boosted Hellfires.

But where is the painting up you may ask? (...not likely but hey)
Here is what I got done this past fortnight; Bayal and four of the ten the Legionnaires.

The plan for part 3 of this series will be to have the Legionnaires and their unit attachment done. Being the slow-ass painter I am, this task seemed almost impossible but as I progress I begin to ask myself...


 - Ravagore
 - Ravagore
Max Legionnaires (4 down, 6 to go)
 - Character UA
Min Hex Hunters (Max unit painted)
 - Character UA

Min Spawning Vessel

See you in part trois!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

The Road to TempleCon 2015 (part I)

Hi there!

I'm back in the bloggery saddle after these months of silence and this time I have my first Warmachine and Hordes event in my sights - TempleCon 2015 in Rhode Island. This will also be my first trip to North America, staying in Toronto and Burlington before hitting the road to travel to the USA. Coming from an island nation, travelling from one country into another via car - mind blown :)

For this event I have decided to paint a 35 point army which was completely randomised by the all-knowing iPad app belonging to Gdaybloke of Lost Hemisphere on his stay in Australia during May.  As fate would have it, the randomised faction turned up with Legion of Everblight and then the Warlock randomised from the faction yielded Kallus, the Wrath of Everblight.

This list will be put up for auction/raffle (not sure how it's all going to work just yet) with the proceeds going to a local charity.

So here is the 35 point list I've put together and am now in the process of painting:-

 - Ravagore
 - Ravagore
Max Legionnaires
 - Character UA
Min Hex Hunters (Max unit painted)
 - Character UA
Min Spawning Vessel

Kallus' Feat also turns his models into Incubi when they're destroyed and will also be 10 of these included.

Starting on the unit of Hex Hunters, after 2 weeks of work this is how they look
Just the one to finish off, pictured on the left of the image then onto Bayal...

More updates to follow!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Woldwatcher a slow month

Well I got 5pts done this month in 1 little model.  I am still working on his base.  But without further ado:


Monday, 2 June 2014

June Goals

June goals are as follows:

  • Min unit (6) Trollblood Kriel Warriors (currently 1 finished not based, 2 are WIP)
  • eMorvana (she's been WIP for 2 months now)
  • Troll Dire Beast possibly Mulg
  • Receive tonnes of basing foliage and proceed to base all finished models properly.
  • Finish the terrain peice I started in my spare time in May " 'cos I felt like it" see the image below. Currently all that needs to be done is a bit more weathering, foliage maybe some vines... moss, lily pads, a flower perhaps and water effects.

I did cave recently and bought Horthol Long-rider in anticipation for purchasing longriders in the near future and a max unit of Pyg Bushwhackers.

On my I-Want-To-Buy-But-Am-Kind-Of-Trying-To-Wait-Until-I-Have-At-Least-50%-Of-My-Army-Painted-But-Will-Probably-Cave-Anyway-List is: 
Horgol (new journeyman warcaster for trollbloods who looks sexy)
Slag Troll (for Horgol)
Blitzer (because he rounds out my Dire Trolls) 
Dozer and Smigg (because they look sexy)
Sorcerer (for those times I have 1pt left over when building a list)
Trollsus (for when I take a low FURY warcaster) 
Battle Engine (just because I am badass like that)

Zeiju Out!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Beasts are Easy!

Finished painting eDooms and the Mauler this month. I surprised myself with how fast I finished the Mauler probably about a day... painting on and off. Still working on those tartans, thinking I will go with the one on the Kriel Warrior.

eDoomy - Trollblood Caster

Mauler Dire Troll
WIP Kriel Warrior (1/15)

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Celestial Fulcrum - an epic painting adventure

Well its finally done, this one almost broke me.  As it was Zeiju painted the druids for me as I could not muster any motivation to start them.

It was my first attempt at large scale NMM gold and I think it turned out okay.  Not quite as well as I would have liked but not bad for a first attempt.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Super Sexy Troll Janissa

Finished Janissa!

A few great things about painting her, then a few massive disasters.

So to start with the good:

  1. I found a great guide on painting trolls, 
  2. I also started using a paint retarder for my mixes rather than a wet pallet. I found that with the wet pallet while it did keep my mixes moist for a few days, it watered them down and when I applied that paint to my mini it still dried quite quickly leaving a distinct line when I was two brush blending. The retarder doesn't keep my mixes wet for as long but it also doesn't dilute it as much as the wet pallet does and I can still add water to dilute the colour more if I wish. Also when applied to he mini the paint stays wet for much longer allowing me to push it around and get exactly the effect I want.
  3. Minor conversion - Troll Hair!
And the bad:

  1. I accidentally thumb glued most of the mini when I had finished painting her.
  2. The pain keeps rolling, on trying to remove said thumb glue I managed to stick a tissue to her.
  3. On trying to remove said tissue I broke her right ankle, snapped it clean off.
  4. Now all those smooth blends look gluggy (at-least to me).

Janissa Stonetide - Trollbloods Solo - 3pts

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

March, a month of half done projects

Gah finally got something finished for March.  Was a tough month of started projects that I got halfway through and then lost momentum.

That said I did get a lot of my Circle army either based or halfway based so that is a start.  You know how bad motivation has gotten when I am basing, an activity I don't really enjoy and not painting, an activity I usually find relaxing.

Without further ado I present Hypnos.

The shoulder decal was painted by Zeiju and looks fantastic.  Its of Hypnos the Greek god but stylised to look Iosian.  The 'steel' bits are also my first attempt at NMM steel.  I think they turned out alright.

Below is some of the basing I am working on.  Again Zeiju was a big help in getting me started.

This month I am hoping to finish the Celestial Fulcrum and the Reckoner I started in March.  I am not holding my breath on getting both done.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Storm Troll... And in other news

I really had to hold back throwing him down a flight of stairs quite a few times during the course of painting this model. I don't know what it was I was just really uninspired the entire time I put brush to mini.

He came together in the end though and my procrastination basing meant I had to spend even less time looking at him!

Storm Troll (5pts)
I really like the water effects on the storm trolls base, inspiring me to do something with water effects on eMorvs base. With the goat on the rock I just envision a bubbling creek with water lapping up against it, maybe with some vegetation thrown in. Anyways here is how it is going.

eMorv WIP basing
I have also kind-of painted the hand that is to hold Doomy. I am not sure about the colours at the moment, thinking I will change the grey underneath and tone down the green of the roots.

I Balanced Doomy on it to show some perspective of size.

eDoomy WIP - Basing
Slogging on with my April to-do list. I might actually get what I posted done! (for once)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Basing Shenanigans

Hey all!

So with a new month comes a new list of miniatures I want to paint, and lets face it... Probably won't finish painting. So for April I want to:

  • Finish the Storm Troll 
  • Finish eMorv
  • Start painting and possibly finish eDoomy 
  • With a stretch goal of the Night Troll.

Last night I mucked around with the bases to try and do something interesting for eDoomy's base and the storm troll, because lets face it I am most definitely procrastinating finishing the Storm Troll again.

So for the Storm Troll's base the idea is to have a pillar of rocks similar to what I did with the Pyre Troll, except I want to make the base look wet as if it has been raining. On the top of this pillar of rocks (made of cork) where the storm troll will stand I made some scorch marks (with green stuff) so as to look like lightning has struck.

Storm Troll WIP Base

Since taking this photo I have filled in the bottom part with Glass Coat. This is my first time making water effects on a base and my first experience with this stuff is messy. It seems as if the stuff has gotten everywhere and it's not easy to wash off.

The other base I was working on, the one for eDoomy, was inspired by a thread I came across my Drakeoss on the Privateer Press Forums (click here to go to the thread). I basically want eDooms elevated up on some tree roots similar to what Drakeoss has done. As I was sculpting this I thought "wouldn't it be cool if instead of just random roots holding him up it was a hand made of roots!" and so I managed to sculpt this:

eDoomy WIP Base

Please keep in mind this is my first attempt at sculpting anything with a wire frame + green stuff. From my experience here though I can say that I made a mistake by putting all the green stuff on first. By doing this I got about halfway through shaping the twists and knots of the roots before it became incredibly hard to do more, as the green-stuff had started to dry/harden. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Legion vs Retribution Journeyman 25pts - Promoting elf on elf violence.

Another week has rocked around, and once again the Legion of Everblight throws down against the Retribution of Scyrah.  This week's match up, continuing our Journeyman League we're playing the "Close Quarters" 2014 Steamroller scenario with Lokius fielding Kaelyssa against yours truly playing pLylyth.

Let's check out the lists:-

Lokius' 25pt list:
Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper
- Banshee
- Sphinx
Mage Hunter Infiltrators
- Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander
- Soulless Escort
Stormfall Archers
Mage Hunter Assassin

My 25pt list:
Lylyth, the Herald of Everblight
- Carnivean
- Shredder
- Shredder
- Shredder
- Shredder
Full Warspears
- Warspear Chieftain
Strider Deathstalker

Map Key:
Dark green are forests
Light green is a hill
Blue is shallow water
Dark circles are scenario flags


 We rolled for first turn and I won, so in the words of my ancestors "Get wild, son".

Like most first turns, most of it is spent running; Warspears and UA run up the board, Deathstalker runs to switch sides, two Shredders become Rabid and run far up the board and two more advance. Lylyth casts Spiny Growth on the Carnivean and Tenacity on herself and charges forward. Lastly the Carnivean runs forward into the forest.

In response, Kaelyssa's force does much the same and advances forward with the exception of Kaelyssa herself (who was mistakenly left behind!). Lokius' forces moves into position and his Stormfall Archers are able to kill one Shredder and put damage on another which Eiryss finishes off, her shot removes the Fury and her unit reforms into their final position .  First blood to Lokius!

Legion cuts for 2 Fury and retaliates by making an Assault order with the Warspears and UA but unfortunately all are just out of range of the Stormfall Archers. The Deathstalker activates and is able to remove the Mage Hunter Assassin and a Stormfall Archer before moving back. Lylyth Feats, kills another Archer and casts Spiny Growth on the Carnivean and camps two Fury. The Carnivean to Assaults Eiryss, killing her and two Archers. The Shredder in the forest is forced to become Rabid, charges the nearest Infiltrator and kills it. The remaining Shredder fails its charge against the Soulless Escort. Kaelyssa's force has been thinned out and the Warspears are primed for a solid attack, but will my beasts survive the oncoming attack?

The Stormfall Archers begin the turn killing one of the Warspears and an Infiltrator charges in but does not inflict any damage. Two other Infiltrators charge into their closest Shredder and are able to remove it from the board. An Infiltrator is also able to kill the last Shredder.
Kaelyssa lays the hurt on this turn, allocating  Focus to the Sphinx and Banshee and casts Phantom Hunter on the Banshee. She advances shooting the Carnivean and while doing little damage, removes all Fury from it.  She Feats and finishes her activation. The Arcanist moves up and applies Concentrated Power to the Sphinx and it charges into the Carnivean. It takes a few scratches from Spiny Growth but the Carnivean is destroyed and lastly the Banshee advances and takes a shot at Lylyth but it doesn't connect.

It's do-or-die time! All Lylyth's beasts are dead, two Warspears are tied up with a lone Infiltrator, Kaelyssa's battlegroup has stealth and can't be charged.  On top of all that, I've gotta cut for Fury again and I'm staring down at two fully functional Myrmidons... I begin by advancing the Warspears and take out another Infiltrator and the Warspears engaged by the Infiltrator swing and miss both times.  The Deathstalker continues his spree and snipes the remaining Stormfall Archers.  With a final activation Lylyth advances, boosts a shot into Kaelyssa ignoring her Feated stealth with Eyeless Sight. She hits and boosts damage, taking off a large portion of her health. Lylyth buys and boosts a second shot which connects and with her last point of Fury boosts damage and is able to put Kaelyssa in down.

Some fortunate rolls at the end sealed this one for Everblight but could have easily fallen short and Lylyth the Retribution forces would easily have put her in the dirt.  Lokius inadvertently leaving Kaelyssa behind on his first turn delayed his Feat which I think would have changed things up quite drastically and for once my Deathstalker well and truly made his points back - ya done good kid, real good.

Monday, 31 March 2014

BATTLE Retribution vs Everblight Journeyman 25pts

Well another week and another Journeyman battle.  Last night I took the wiley Ossyan against Tyrant Mithras deadshot pLylyth.  We are playing the second battle of week 3, 25pts must include all models from starting battle box.  Last match ended with Ossyan admonition moving around the side of a charging Carnivean and out of LOS, and Tyrant Mithras surrendering the match as a rather wounded pLyls was standing with her proverbial delicates mere inches from Ossyan, 2 angry jacks and a half strength unit of Invictors with no fury for transfers.

Last night was a rematch.  Again I looked across the table at the pLyls and her small cohort feeling decidedly outmatched by what she brought.  We roll for scenario and come up with two fronts.  Bugger, I am not a fan already as I really want all my stuff central and trying to hold/contest isn’t going to be all that easy.

My Ossyan List for 25pts
Lord Arcanist Ossyan
10 Dawnguard Invictors + UA
Mage Hunter Assassin

TyrantM’s pLyls hunting party
Lylyth, Herald of Everblight
Shredder x 4
Full Ogrun Warspears + UA
Strider Deathstalker

Zeiju placed the terrain and I am not a fan of my options.  TyrantM and I roll off for first and I win rolling a 5 to his 3.  I elect to go first thinking of all the times I have gone second and regretted not having the initiative or being that much further up the field on turn 2.  On hindsight, given the scenario and the terrain it might have been better to go second and try to get the first scenario points by dominating my objective and blowing up his fuel supply.

Map Key
Green splodges are forest
Light brown rectangles are the control zones
Dark circles are the objectives
Brown splodge is a hill.


Right up I feel most of the terrain helps him.  He can see through forests, most of his stuff has or can get pathfinder.  The central forest even shelters his army.  My side of the board feels bare with only a forest on the outer flank of the friendly control zone.

Well I deploy centrally for the most part.  I put the left with the idea that I would use them to contest my control zone, not sure why I decided on that as I could have just parked the MHA there as a headache and supported her with a jack as necessary.  Ossy and the jacks were put in the middle so I could run up and take advantage of the ‘Fuel’ rule on the objectives.

I am surprised when TyrantM deploys his army skewed to his flank with pLyls mostly in the middle with her beasts.  I deploy the MHA in the middle as I can’t see her being effective on my right flank against a whole unit of Warspears, not to mention how easy she might be to snipe out by Lylyth.  TyrantM advance deploys the Deathstalker on my left flank, presumably to cause a nuisance for the Invictors.  Banshee is selected as the Warspears prey target.

Ret First Turn
Not much to say here.  I allocate a focus to each jack.  I cast quicken on the Invictors, Admonition on the Sphinx and move Ossyan up to chill with the MHA.  I run the Invictors towards and onto my zone, Banshee and Sphinx run and awkwardly swap places to move the Banshee away from the Ogruns who want to stab her with their pointy sticks.

Rather stupidly, I forget to activate the MHA so she just stood their twirling her chains around.

Everblight Turn 1
TyrantM ran everything up.  Warspears kind of spread out.  pLyls hugged the back of the forest next to the Carnivean.  he left a couple of the Shredders back, presumeably as transfer targets.  Deathstalker moves up, shoots an Invictor and swift hunters back being out of range to take a second shot.

Ret Second Turn
I upkept quicken and admonition.  Allocate 2 focus to the Banshee forgetting I can’t hurt his objective this turn.

Invictors move up further onto the zone to retaliate against the stalker. A 2 man CRA at the stalker and its dead.  I declare shooting at the shredder in the trees but not one of my models is in range.  Banshee can’t get into a position where I can see far enough through the forest at the shredder, so it and the sphinx just chill near the objective.  I toy with the notion of using Ossy to shoot a the shredder in the trees, realise that would be dumb and move him on to the zone, again half forgetting I can’t score points this round.  The MHA runs up behind the invictors to my zone so if necessary I can send her to deal with something jamming the invictors or to hold the zone in case I need to charge off it with the Invictors.

Everblight Second Turn
TyrantMithras starts the turn by activating Lylyth.  She moves up, feats takes a shot at an Invictor and misses.  Takes a second shot and hits but fails to kill.  Well that was actually lucky as now she auto hits with her Eruption of Spines, but Mithras only rolls a 1 for additional targets and still fails to kill one.  Not deterred Mithras activates the Warspears and issues an Assault order, 4 of the warspears can see to make the charge, many boosted (from feat) rolls later and only 1 hits.  More dreadful luck for Mithras.  One Invictor dead.  Carnivean activates, assaults the Banshee and falls slightly short of melee, the assault spray hits and scratches some paint of the jack but nothing serious.

First Shredder activates, goes rabid, charges an Invictor and kills it.  Second Shredder activates charges the Sphinx and does a wopping 8 damage to it.  No systems destroyed but finally some good luck for Mithras.

Ret Third Turn
I just can’t believe the amount of bad luck Mithras had last turn, well except for the amazing roll on the shredder taking off 8pts from the Sphinx.  Still it could have scrapped the Sphinx and I would still have counted myself lucky.  Still I shouldn’t have blown admonition to engage the Carnivean, not sure what I was thinking.

Well, my go and I have escaped with minimal casualties on Lylyth’s feat turn.  I allocate 2 focus to each jack and letting quicken fall off. I start by scooting Ossyan the Slippery Gypsy up, feat and shoot at the Ogrun not trusting Ossyan to roll 12 of 3 dice to hit Lylyth in the woods and figure she will get caught in the AoE and have her defense dropped by 2 anyway.  I shoot, hit and… kill the ogrun (dammit), the one time I don’t want to outright kill I do and now the defence debuff AoE is gone. 

Next I activate the MHA, she charges the shredder engaging the Invictor and easily one shots him, doing 24 damage after armour.  Silly move, Lylyth is now able to take his fury, putting her up to 3.  I activate the Banshee next, scooting just enough to shoot at the shredder in front of Lylyth with an angle knowing the slam will know her down. A decent roll by me sees the shredder almost dead and both of them knocked down (hah take that stupidly high defence!).  She transfers the damage to the shredder, it dies and Lylyth take a few left over points.  But hey what are shredders for if not for cheap transfer targets.   Sphinx activates, moves out of the shredders melee range so it can shoot accepting the free strike which does a measily 3 points of damage.  He shoots Lylyth and boosts damage, Lylyth transfers to shredder at the back as all of her other beasts are on full fury, leaving her on 1 fury and the shredder at the back looking almost dead.  Next I activate the invictors and shoot at the now rather easy to hit knocked down Lylyth.  The transfers some of the damage from the first shot but is out of options.  The third Invictor to shoot kills her and its game over.

Battle Post Mortem.
Well I won, can’t say that I deserved to win as I don’t think I had a good battle plan.  I missed moving the MHA, didn’t make a good play at going for scenario, totally brain farted moving the admonitioned Sphinx into threat range of the shredder.  I think I more won because the Dice Gods decided to be unusually cruel to Tyrant Mithras whilst overlooking me.  I think I only missed one roll all game.

End of March Frustration

Hey Everyone,

So my end of March finished minis looks even more dismal than April. I got a total of 1 mini finished! At least I met my 5 point quota?

All I can say after the amazing and inspiring Pyre Troll completion early in the month, the Storm Troll kind of just defeated me. I don't like him, I hate him. For me he has been terrible to paint and I am only half way. I did kind of break and start to paint eMorv from Circle Orboros just because I hated the Storm Troll so much then felt defeated again due to the amount of detail on that mini! So 2 half finished models to add to my April to-do list. Hopefully I can produce something I am happy with.

Any ways without further ado here is my completed Pyre Troll. So proud of him :)

Pyre Troll - Trollbloods

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Room for one more...


After receiving an invitation from Zeiju, this is where my total lack of blog-fu is painfully obvious; I never know how to start...

Let's see, I'm relatively new to Warmachine and Hordes but totally love this thing, I play Skorne, Cryx and Legion of Everblight. I'll be posting my painted collection of models at the time I've joined this blog and keep things updated as I progress. The ass-whoopings I receive from Zeiju and Lokius will also be strewn across the interwebs for all to see... mostly in battle-reports.

It's my intention to learn and enjoy more of this game, help build the local community and participate in the wider tournament scene.

See you again real soon,

Monday, 10 March 2014

Painting Guide Heated Metal (Chain)

This is a painting guide for heated chains. I looked online for some guides for painting heated chains but found very little. So I have decided to share what I found and the quickest easiest way to paint a chain to look glowing hot.

The colours I use from the Citadel paint range are:
-  Mephiston Red
- Golden Yellow
- Abaddon Black

The colours I use from the P3 paint range are:
- Khador Red Highlight
- Morrow White

I also use a wet pallet and always add water to my paint, I never paint straight out of the pot. Due to this assume that when I get a vibrant colour I have built it up with multiple layers. The brush I am using is a Series 7 Finest Sable Winsor & Newton Size 2.

1. Unpainted chains

 2. Paint the chains Mephiston Red where you want the chain to look hot. Try to get a nice even coverage may require a few thin layers, you want that red to be really vibrant.

3. Paint the rest of the chains Abaddon Black. Where it meets the red to a 2:1 Water:Paint wash on a couple of the red links.

4.Make a gradient on the red, so paint in thin layers the Khador Red Highlight all the way down from the flame leaving a couple of links red. Again you want this to be really vibrant.

5. Do the same for the Golden Yellow, leaving 1 or two links orange. Also for this step you are not looking for a full coverage of the links, just the top bits (kind of like you are picking out detail)

6. 1:1 mixture of Morrow White and Golden Yellow to highlight the areas closest to the flame, Afterwards highlight with Morrow White, picking out very few links. You don't want to paint too much straight white so only pain the hottest parts of the chain.

7. Finish off the rest of the chain however you would paint normal chains and your done!

Work in Progress - Trollblood Pyre Troll

Thursday, 6 March 2014

March Month of the Light Beast

So for March my goal is to get 2 light warbeasts done the Pyre Troll and the Night Troll (or Storm Troll depending on how I feel).

This is to make way for surprise purchase that fiancée is getting me. How exciting!

Stretch goals are to get all 3 done.

Also this month I have primed my Champions + Skaldi Bonehammer, Champion Hero Solo, pGrimm, Rok, Mountain King skin, Night Troll and Pyre Troll.

March WIP - Trollbloods

Above is a pic of all my lovely primed minis and my current progress on the Pyre Troll which I started last night. Can i just say I am having a super mega fun time getting those flames to not be green, seriously so fun! (*sarcasm*) I think I am up to my 10th coat of white, and still can see some of that blue coming through.

Menoth players... I do not envy you... at all.

As I am posting this I just realised I forgot to prime the Storm Troll! (insert profanity here).

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Finally? Slowest painter ever!

Hi there guys,

So I have finished up my 5pts for the month of February, yes only 5pts and yes it did take me the entire month. In my defence I did finish Assassins Creed IV 100% completion as well, does that count for anything?

So here are my minis:

Min Unit Trollblood Stonescribes - 3pts
(1 Stonebearer + 3 Stonescribes)

Trollwhelp Solo 2pts
(4/5 Troll Whelps)

Trollwhelp Solo 2pts
(1/5 Troll Whelps)

So for March my goal is to get 2 light warbeasts done the Pyre Troll and the Night Troll. This is to make way for surprise purchase that Lokius is getting me. How exciting!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Distractions, distractions distractions!

Well I didn't get every thing I wanted painted for February.  Still got the Banshee finished but I have started on the decal for Hypnos, wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it exactly and I really got sick of painting Retribution colours for a while.  Needed a change of pallet so started on my Menoth for something slightly different.

Still haven't started basing then yet though.

So without further ado the Banshee:

And for this month's WIP so far, although I might go back to painting the decal on Hypnos or some other smaller project.  I present to you Menoth Jack legs!
Hopefully I will get more done this month.