Monday, 17 February 2014

Mid February update

Mid February already and I still have so much to do.

I have been working on some Retribution of Scyrah House Vyre Heavy Warjacks.  Its the kind of painting where I keep staring at them and keep seeing things that need to be fixed or smoothed or the shadow is wrong.  I have been driving myself a little crazy with trying to get it right.

Interestingly enough, having photos of them make it much easier to see what needs to be done, where the shading is wrong and how I need to fix it.

Anyway, here is a recent picture.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Mid Month Painting Update

Hey everyone,

So, I never did get those Stone Bearers + Scribes done in January like I said I would, nor did I get those pesky whelps done. I suppose both of those are my goals this month.

Also I have begun painting in NMM (non-metallic metallics). A while back I noticed that most of the miniatures I liked on were painted differently on the metal. After much stressing and agonising I have finally taken a leap of faith and below is a sneak peak of my finished models for this month.

Trollblood Stone Scribes WIP

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Another Belated January Post

Well a bit late with this like Zeiju was but here are my completed (but not yet based) Models for January.  Progress slowed down once work started back up, and tyhen as Zeiju said birthday plans and stinking hot dry weather that made it almost impossible to get much done as the paint would dry on the brush before oyu could really apply it to the minis.

 Tharn Ravager White Main

(Belated) End of January Painting update

So, my computer decided to die at the end of January and I only just got it working with new parts today.
My goals for January were Eiryss, Dahlia & Skarrath, min unit of krielstone bearer & stone scribes and troll whelp solos.

While my painting was on track for the start of the month, birthday plans and vacation derailed my painting goals. I still got more than 5 points done though.
PEiryss (3pt)
Mercenary Solo
Dahlia (/w Skarrath is 9pt)
Minions Lesser 'Caster

Skarrath (/w Dahlia is 9pt)
Minions Warbeast

In addition I got new models this month, really excited to paint them! 

Max Unit of Champions with Skaldi Bonehammer to match. (also got a blister of krielstone scribes... not so excited)