Tuesday, 24 February 2015

"What has four tusks, four cannons and four thumbs? This guy" - Skorne Mammoth

Hey Rawrmachine fans (that's right, talking to both of you :))

Recently I've completed my first Hordes Gargantuan and thought I'd kick off a new painting series where I go though the various parts of the model and write a bit about which colour recipes were used.  Amongst it all I mention some of the delights and challenges of putting the model together and the experience overall - so 'ere it is, the Skorne Mammoth! (Mammooth! Meh-mouth!...)

Standing atop his Dragonforge base and about 5 pins holding him to it!

Let's get to it, after it was primed with black undercoat I started by airbrushing the skin but after that the remainder of the model was painted using two-brush blending.

Base - Bastion Grey
Shade 1 - Greatcoat Grey
Shade 2 - Coal Black and Greatcoat Grey. This was done heavily on the underside of the hands, frill, neck, armpits, chest and the base of the tail.
Highlight 1 - Beast Hide and a little Rucksack Tan
Highlight 2 - Beast Hide and Trollblood Highlight
Highlight 3 - Trollblood Highlight and Menoth White Highlight (used sparingly)

The colours were finally given a glaze of Beast Hide and Mixing Medium to tie the transitions together.

Skin hooks and Piercings
Sanguine Base, Murderous Magenta and Mixing Medium glazed over the areas and blended out.

Tusks and Horns
Base - 'Jack Bone and Gun Corps Brown
Shade 1 - Added Bastion Grey to Base mixture
Highlight 1 - 'Jack Bone
Highlight 2 - 'Jack Bone and Menoth White Highlight

Black (really anything black on this miniature was painted with the same colours!)
Base - Coal Black and Thalmar Black
Highlight 1 - Hammerfall Khaki added to base mixture
Highlight 2 - More Hammerfall Khaki
Highlight 3 - Moar! Hammerfall Khaki
Highlight 4 - MOAR ...well you get the idea

Base - Rhulic Gold (several thin coats to get good, even coverage)
Shade 1 - 1 part Red Ink, 2 parts Brown Ink, 3 parts Mixing Medium
Highlight 1 - Rhulic Gold (just to tidy up anything)
Highlight 2 - Solid Gold
Highlight 3 (optional) - Solid Gold and Radiant Platinum

I've gone through a number of variations with the gold and this one has worked the best so far but I've got at least one more variant to try out in the future.

Red Armour Plates
Base - Skorne Red
Shade 1 - Exile Blue and Umbral Umber added to Skorne Red (in varying amounts)
Shade 2 - Exile Blue and Umbral Umber
Shade 3 - Exile Blue, Umbral Umber and Coal Black
Highlight 1 - Ember Orange and Skorne Red

I've gotta say between the extremes of the brown and blue shades to the orange highlights, it really brings out the best of the red midtones.

Lacquered Gold
Base - Rhulic Gold
The gold is then given two coats of equal parts Red Ink and Mixing Medium
Shade - 1 part Red Ink, 2 parts Brown Ink, 3 parts Mixing Medium

Base - Cold Steel and Pig Iron
Shade 1 - Greatcoat Grey; depending on the area this was mixed with some Mixing Medium.
Shade 2 - Exile Blue and Battlefield Brown
Highlight 1 - Cold Steel
Highlight 2 - Quicksilver

These are by far my favourite colours to blend with, they give a real weightiness to the metal. (Note the spike on the left knee "HHNNNNNGGG")

That just about wraps it up, please make a mark in the comments section if you'd like any more info!

Monday, 23 February 2015

Yes... Let's Lock in that Schedule!

Hi all!

I will be your Monday reprieve. Never mind that I am posting on a Tuesday right now!

I have done a lot of painting this month and would like to share it with you all. 

Please leave a comment if you see anything here you would like a recipe of or a tutorial on.

Lady Aiyanna and Holt

Min to Max Pyg Burrowers - 2 Points
eMorvana - Warcaster
Skaldi Bonehammer - 3 Points
Borka Kegslayer - Warcaster
Razor Boar - 2 Points

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Locking down a schedule - but first! #DonateorPaint2015

Well it's all over for TempleCon this year which was an absolute blast and there will be a full photodump in the near future! I'll have a post up here every Wednesday so be sure to check out the TempleCon goings-on and more painting and gaming natterings.

But first, following up from the Lost Hemisphere charity fundraiser, Chain-Attack has one going of their own to help out a local gamer and the challenge has been past on down to me from Gdaybloke of Lost Hemisphere. So check out the vid, it has the deets!

This time I've painted Baldur the Stonesoul (in what has to be some sorta record for me, finishing it in an evening and an early morning!) The webcam doesn't get any of the detail in the video but here's a clearer pic of it below :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


I am back, better (and more enthused) than ever!

In the month of Jan I completed a min. unit of Pyg Burrowers (love those little guys) and a Night Troll!

Min. Pyg Burrowers

Min. Pyg Burrowers

Night Troll (front)

Night Troll (back)

I meant to submit one of my burrowers into the Lost Hemisphere, Paint the Target: January alas, I was too late (the guy back row on the left! He has a super special hat). Do not fear though I plan on submitting a piece in the February thread!

Thoughts on RawrMachine going forward: 
  - MOAR Painting tutorials
  - MOAR Battle reports (possibly videos!) 
  - MOAR Posts
  - MOAR Trolls!

Personal goals: 
  - I want to start training for the Aussie CanCon, not sure where to start... maybe timed turns :)
  - Painted Trollblood lists!