Sunday, 13 April 2014

Super Sexy Troll Janissa

Finished Janissa!

A few great things about painting her, then a few massive disasters.

So to start with the good:

  1. I found a great guide on painting trolls, 
  2. I also started using a paint retarder for my mixes rather than a wet pallet. I found that with the wet pallet while it did keep my mixes moist for a few days, it watered them down and when I applied that paint to my mini it still dried quite quickly leaving a distinct line when I was two brush blending. The retarder doesn't keep my mixes wet for as long but it also doesn't dilute it as much as the wet pallet does and I can still add water to dilute the colour more if I wish. Also when applied to he mini the paint stays wet for much longer allowing me to push it around and get exactly the effect I want.
  3. Minor conversion - Troll Hair!
And the bad:

  1. I accidentally thumb glued most of the mini when I had finished painting her.
  2. The pain keeps rolling, on trying to remove said thumb glue I managed to stick a tissue to her.
  3. On trying to remove said tissue I broke her right ankle, snapped it clean off.
  4. Now all those smooth blends look gluggy (at-least to me).

Janissa Stonetide - Trollbloods Solo - 3pts

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

March, a month of half done projects

Gah finally got something finished for March.  Was a tough month of started projects that I got halfway through and then lost momentum.

That said I did get a lot of my Circle army either based or halfway based so that is a start.  You know how bad motivation has gotten when I am basing, an activity I don't really enjoy and not painting, an activity I usually find relaxing.

Without further ado I present Hypnos.

The shoulder decal was painted by Zeiju and looks fantastic.  Its of Hypnos the Greek god but stylised to look Iosian.  The 'steel' bits are also my first attempt at NMM steel.  I think they turned out alright.

Below is some of the basing I am working on.  Again Zeiju was a big help in getting me started.

This month I am hoping to finish the Celestial Fulcrum and the Reckoner I started in March.  I am not holding my breath on getting both done.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Storm Troll... And in other news

I really had to hold back throwing him down a flight of stairs quite a few times during the course of painting this model. I don't know what it was I was just really uninspired the entire time I put brush to mini.

He came together in the end though and my procrastination basing meant I had to spend even less time looking at him!

Storm Troll (5pts)
I really like the water effects on the storm trolls base, inspiring me to do something with water effects on eMorvs base. With the goat on the rock I just envision a bubbling creek with water lapping up against it, maybe with some vegetation thrown in. Anyways here is how it is going.

eMorv WIP basing
I have also kind-of painted the hand that is to hold Doomy. I am not sure about the colours at the moment, thinking I will change the grey underneath and tone down the green of the roots.

I Balanced Doomy on it to show some perspective of size.

eDoomy WIP - Basing
Slogging on with my April to-do list. I might actually get what I posted done! (for once)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Basing Shenanigans

Hey all!

So with a new month comes a new list of miniatures I want to paint, and lets face it... Probably won't finish painting. So for April I want to:

  • Finish the Storm Troll 
  • Finish eMorv
  • Start painting and possibly finish eDoomy 
  • With a stretch goal of the Night Troll.

Last night I mucked around with the bases to try and do something interesting for eDoomy's base and the storm troll, because lets face it I am most definitely procrastinating finishing the Storm Troll again.

So for the Storm Troll's base the idea is to have a pillar of rocks similar to what I did with the Pyre Troll, except I want to make the base look wet as if it has been raining. On the top of this pillar of rocks (made of cork) where the storm troll will stand I made some scorch marks (with green stuff) so as to look like lightning has struck.

Storm Troll WIP Base

Since taking this photo I have filled in the bottom part with Glass Coat. This is my first time making water effects on a base and my first experience with this stuff is messy. It seems as if the stuff has gotten everywhere and it's not easy to wash off.

The other base I was working on, the one for eDoomy, was inspired by a thread I came across my Drakeoss on the Privateer Press Forums (click here to go to the thread). I basically want eDooms elevated up on some tree roots similar to what Drakeoss has done. As I was sculpting this I thought "wouldn't it be cool if instead of just random roots holding him up it was a hand made of roots!" and so I managed to sculpt this:

eDoomy WIP Base

Please keep in mind this is my first attempt at sculpting anything with a wire frame + green stuff. From my experience here though I can say that I made a mistake by putting all the green stuff on first. By doing this I got about halfway through shaping the twists and knots of the roots before it became incredibly hard to do more, as the green-stuff had started to dry/harden. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Legion vs Retribution Journeyman 25pts - Promoting elf on elf violence.

Another week has rocked around, and once again the Legion of Everblight throws down against the Retribution of Scyrah.  This week's match up, continuing our Journeyman League we're playing the "Close Quarters" 2014 Steamroller scenario with Lokius fielding Kaelyssa against yours truly playing pLylyth.

Let's check out the lists:-

Lokius' 25pt list:
Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper
- Banshee
- Sphinx
Mage Hunter Infiltrators
- Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander
- Soulless Escort
Stormfall Archers
Mage Hunter Assassin

My 25pt list:
Lylyth, the Herald of Everblight
- Carnivean
- Shredder
- Shredder
- Shredder
- Shredder
Full Warspears
- Warspear Chieftain
Strider Deathstalker

Map Key:
Dark green are forests
Light green is a hill
Blue is shallow water
Dark circles are scenario flags


 We rolled for first turn and I won, so in the words of my ancestors "Get wild, son".

Like most first turns, most of it is spent running; Warspears and UA run up the board, Deathstalker runs to switch sides, two Shredders become Rabid and run far up the board and two more advance. Lylyth casts Spiny Growth on the Carnivean and Tenacity on herself and charges forward. Lastly the Carnivean runs forward into the forest.

In response, Kaelyssa's force does much the same and advances forward with the exception of Kaelyssa herself (who was mistakenly left behind!). Lokius' forces moves into position and his Stormfall Archers are able to kill one Shredder and put damage on another which Eiryss finishes off, her shot removes the Fury and her unit reforms into their final position .  First blood to Lokius!

Legion cuts for 2 Fury and retaliates by making an Assault order with the Warspears and UA but unfortunately all are just out of range of the Stormfall Archers. The Deathstalker activates and is able to remove the Mage Hunter Assassin and a Stormfall Archer before moving back. Lylyth Feats, kills another Archer and casts Spiny Growth on the Carnivean and camps two Fury. The Carnivean to Assaults Eiryss, killing her and two Archers. The Shredder in the forest is forced to become Rabid, charges the nearest Infiltrator and kills it. The remaining Shredder fails its charge against the Soulless Escort. Kaelyssa's force has been thinned out and the Warspears are primed for a solid attack, but will my beasts survive the oncoming attack?

The Stormfall Archers begin the turn killing one of the Warspears and an Infiltrator charges in but does not inflict any damage. Two other Infiltrators charge into their closest Shredder and are able to remove it from the board. An Infiltrator is also able to kill the last Shredder.
Kaelyssa lays the hurt on this turn, allocating  Focus to the Sphinx and Banshee and casts Phantom Hunter on the Banshee. She advances shooting the Carnivean and while doing little damage, removes all Fury from it.  She Feats and finishes her activation. The Arcanist moves up and applies Concentrated Power to the Sphinx and it charges into the Carnivean. It takes a few scratches from Spiny Growth but the Carnivean is destroyed and lastly the Banshee advances and takes a shot at Lylyth but it doesn't connect.

It's do-or-die time! All Lylyth's beasts are dead, two Warspears are tied up with a lone Infiltrator, Kaelyssa's battlegroup has stealth and can't be charged.  On top of all that, I've gotta cut for Fury again and I'm staring down at two fully functional Myrmidons... I begin by advancing the Warspears and take out another Infiltrator and the Warspears engaged by the Infiltrator swing and miss both times.  The Deathstalker continues his spree and snipes the remaining Stormfall Archers.  With a final activation Lylyth advances, boosts a shot into Kaelyssa ignoring her Feated stealth with Eyeless Sight. She hits and boosts damage, taking off a large portion of her health. Lylyth buys and boosts a second shot which connects and with her last point of Fury boosts damage and is able to put Kaelyssa in down.

Some fortunate rolls at the end sealed this one for Everblight but could have easily fallen short and Lylyth the Retribution forces would easily have put her in the dirt.  Lokius inadvertently leaving Kaelyssa behind on his first turn delayed his Feat which I think would have changed things up quite drastically and for once my Deathstalker well and truly made his points back - ya done good kid, real good.