Hi there!
It has been a little while since I have posted, but rest assured I am back! I have been very busy painting my LoE models + collecting a whole lot more Trolls (not painted... yet). I have quite a lot more experience with painting now and I think what I am producing is coming up to a really nice quality.
I have also researched how to best take photos of minis and the photos I will be posting from now on will be of a much better quality. So to kick off the new year I will share some of what I have finished in the past few months.
LoE - Warlock |
Blighted Nyss Striders - Leader and 5 Grunts
LoE - Unit |
Lanyssa Ryssal
Minions - Solo |
I am actually very proud of how Lanyssa turned out. I think she is my best paint job yet.
LoE - Warlock |
Keep checking for more updates. Plan to be quite active this year on ye olde blog :)